第30章 Tufts University: Peace and light
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Tufts University is a private research university located in Medforde, near Boston, in the U.S. state of Massachusetts. In 1852, Tufts College was founded by Christian Universalists who worked for years to open a non-sectarian institution of higher learning.The university is organized into ten schools, including two undergraduate programs (the School of Arts and Sciences, the School of Engineering)and eight graduate divisions, on four campuses in Massachusetts and the French Alps. The most popular majors at Tufts University include: International Relations and Affairs, Economics, Political Science and Government, English Language and Literature, and Psychology. The university emphasizes active citizenship and public service in all of its disciplines and is known for its internationalism and study abroad programs. Among its schools is the United States" oldest graduate school of international relations: The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
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Famous school: The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (also referred to as The Fletcher School) at Tufts University is the oldest school in the United States dedicated solely to graduate studies in international affairs. It is regarded as one of the world"s foremost schools of international relations. Every fall, the school enrolls approximately 260 full-time students (excluding Ph.D. candidates not enrolled in courses.) The school opened in 1933 as a collaborative project between Harvard University and Tufts University. Tufts University would later assume sole responsibility for administrating the school but the Fletcher School has continued to cooperate closely with other universities.
Campuses: The University has four main campuses-three in the Boston area and one in southern France. The main campus is located on the border of Medford and Somerville just outside Boston. The medical school and dental school are located in Boston proper, and the veterinary school is located in central Massachusetts, in Grafton. Tufts University has a satellite campus in Talloires, France at the Tufts European Center.
citizenship [sitiznip] n. 公民身份;国籍;公民权
internationalism [int(:)nnlizm] n. 国际性;国际主义
diplomacy [diplumsi] n. 外交;交际手段
foremost [f:must] adj. 最重要的;最先的
candidate [kndidit] n. 候选人;应试者
assume [sju:m] vt. 承担;假定;采取
veterinary [vetrinri] n. 兽医(等于veterinarian)
塔夫茨大学的办学原则是以质取胜、注重革新。长期以来,塔夫茨大学以其出色的教学和研究享誉全球。塔夫茨大学有四大办学理念: 全球主义、知识型公民、跨学科研究及可持续性发展。学校招收新生时对外语要求很高,40%以上的学生三年级整个学年在海外度过,一些二年级学生和四年级学生也在海外学习。此外,塔夫茨大学率先采用以面试时提问让学生自由发挥回答的方式录取学生。
塔夫茨大学研究领域很广,文科、理科和工科课程都享有广泛的声誉。大学设有数十个专业,其中医科、牙科、法律、外交、职业治疗学等最为著名, 并在营养学上久负盛名。国际关系、政治学科、生物、戏剧、儿童研究、英语和工程类专业也相当不错。弗莱彻法律与外交学院则是全美最古老的国际关系研究生院。善于与其他院校合作,各取其长,共同进步,则是塔夫茨大学的又一大特色。塔夫茨大学在学术研究方面注重各学科和院系之间的合作与交流,不同专业的学生可以参与数量众多的交叉课题。
The only way on earth to multiply happiness is to divide it.
Tolerance of human life is regarded as supreme virtues.