At home he found a party of young friends, who hailed with delight the prospect of a revel at the Hall. An hour later, the blithe company trooped into the great saloon, where preparations had already been made for a dramatic evening.
Good Sir John was in his element, for he was never so happy as when his house was full of young people. Several persons were chosen, and in a few moments the curtains were withdrawn from the first of these impromptu tableaux. A swarthy, darkly bearded man lay asleep on a tiger skin, in the shadow of a tent. Oriental arms and drapery surrounded him; an antique silver lamp burned dimly on a table where fruit lay heaped in costly dishes, and wine shone redly in half-emptied goblets. Bending over the sleeper was a woman robed with barbaric splendor. One hand turned back the embroidered sleeve from the arm which held a scimitar; one slender foot in a scarlet sandal was visible under the white tunic; her purple mantle swept down from snowy shoulders; fillets of gold bound her hair, and jewels shone on neck and arms. She was looking over her shoulder toward the entrance of the tent, with a steady yet stealthy look, so effective that for a moment the spectators held their breath, as if they also heard a passing footstep.
"Who is it?" whispered Lucia, for the face was new to her.
"Jean Muir," answered Coventry, with an absorbed look.
"Impossible! She is small and fair," began Lucia, but a hasty "Hush, let me look!" from her cousin silenced her.
Impossible as it seemed, he was right nevertheless;for Jean Muir it was. She had darkened her skin, painted her eyebrows, disposed some wild black locks over her fair hair, and thrown such an intensity of expression into her eyes that they darkened and dilated till they were as fierce as any southern eyes that ever flashed. Hatred, the deepest and bitterest, was written on her sternly beautiful face, courage glowed in her glance, power spoke in the nervous grip of the slender hand that held the weapon, and the indomitable will of the woman was expressed -- even the firm pressure of the little foot half hidden in the tiger skin.
"Oh, isn't she splendid?" cried Bella under her breath.
"She looks as if she'd use her sword well when the time comes," said someone admiringly.
"Good night to Holofernes; his fate is certain,"added another.
"He is the image of Sydney, with that beard on.""Doesn't she look as if she really hated him?""Perhaps she does."
Coventry uttered the last exclamation, for the two which preceded it suggested an explanation of the marvelous change in Jean.
It was not all art: the intense detestation mingled with a savage joy that the object of her hatred was in her power was too perfect to be feigned;and having the key to a part of her story, Coventry felt as if he caught a glimpse of the truth. It was but a glimpse, however, for the curtain dropped before he had half analyzed the significance of that strange face.
"Horrible! I'm glad it's over," said Lucia coldly.
"Magnificent! Encore! Encore!" cried Gerald enthusiastically.
But the scene was over, and no applause could recall the actress. Two or three graceful or gay pictures followed, but Jean was in none, and each lacked the charm which real talent lends to the simplest part.
"Coventry, you are wanted," called a voice. And to everyone's surprise, Coventry went, though heretofore he had always refused to exert himself when handsome actors were in demand.
"What part am I to spoil?" he asked, as he entered the green room, where several excited young gentlemen were costuming and attitudinizing.
"A fugitive cavalier. Put yourself into this suit, and lose no time asking questions. Miss Muir will tell you what to do.
She is in the tableau, so no one will mind you," said the manager pro tem, throwing a rich old suit toward Coventry and resuming the painting of a moustache on his own boyish face.
A gallant cavalier was the result of Gerald's hasty toilet, and when he appeared before the ladies a general glance of admiration was bestowed upon him.
"Come along and be placed; Jean is ready on the stage."And Bella ran before him, exclaiming to her governess, "Here he is, quite splendid. Wasn't he good to do it?"Miss Muir, in the charmingly prim and puritanical dress of a Roundhead damsel, was arranging some shrubs, but turned suddenly and dropped the green branch she held, as her eye met the glittering figure advancing toward her.
"You!" she said with a troubled look, adding low to Bella, "Why did you ask him? I begged you not.""He is the only handsome man here, and the best actor if he likes. He won't play usually, so make the most of him." And Bella was off to finish powdering her hair for "The Marriage a la Mode.""I was sent for and I came. Do you prefer some other person?" asked Coventry, at a loss to understand the half-anxious, half-eager expression of the face under the little cap.
It changed to one of mingled annoyance and resignation as she said, "It is too late. Please kneel here, half behind the shrubs;put down your hat, and -- allow me -- you are too elegant for a fugitive."As he knelt before her, she disheveled his hair, pulled his lace collar awry, threw away his gloves and sword, and half untied the cloak that hung about his shoulders.
"That is better; your paleness is excellent -- nay, don't spoil it. We are to represent the picture which hangs in the Hall.
I need tell you no more. Now, Roundheads, place yourselves, and then ring up the curtain."With a smile, Coventry obeyed her; for the picture was of two lovers, the young cavalier kneeling, with his arm around the waist of the girl, who tries to hide him with her little mantle, and presses his head to her bosom in an ecstasy of fear, as she glances back at the approaching pursuers. Jean hesitated an instant and shrank a little as his hand touched her; she blushed deeply, and her eyes fell before his.
Then, as the bell rang, she threw herself into her part with sudden spirit.