第37章 Conclusion(23)
Lanier, Clifford: `Letter at Unveiling of Poet's Bust at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Lawrence, W.M.: see under `V'.
Lemmon, L.: see `Hawthorne'.
Lind, W.Murdoch: `Sidney Lanier's Library', `The Daily News' (Baltimore), July 24, 1892.
Link, S.A.: `New England Magazine' (Boston) 10.14-19, March, 1894.
Literary World, The (Boston): 6.116, January, 1876: `Florida';7.103, December, 1876: `Poems' (Lippincott ed.); 11.227, July 3, 1880:
`Science of English Verse'; 11.441, December 4, 1880: `Boy's King Arthur';12.215, June 18, 1881: `Florida'; 12.449, December 3, 1881:
`Boy's Mabinogion'; 14.204-205, June 30, 1883: `English Novel';16.40-41, February 7, 1885: `Poems'; 16.350-352, April 10, 1885: `Poems'.
Lowell, James Russell: `Letter to President Gilman' in latter's `Memorial', p.25.
Macmechan, A.: `The Varsity' (Toronto), March 3, 1888.
Marble, E.: `Cottage Hearth' (Boston), 4.141-142, June, 1877.
Morris, H.S.: `The Poetry of S.L.', `The American' (Philadelphia), No.393, pp.284-285, February 18, 1888.
Nation, The (New York): 31.310-311, October 28, 1880:
`Science of English Verse'; 33.216, September 15, 1881;33.994, November 17, 1881; 35.468, November 30, 1882: `Boy's Percy';37.38, July 12, 1883: `English Novel'; 39.528, December 18, 1884: `Poems';46.51-52, February 9, 1888; 53.297, October 15, 1891: `Poems' (1891 ed.).
Newell, A.C.: `Lanier's Life at Oglethorpe College', `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of February 27, 1894.
New Englander (New Haven, Conn.): 39.566, July, 1880:
`Science of English Verse'.
Penn, A.: `S.L.on the English Novel', `Century Magazine', 5.957-958, April, 1884.
Pitts, W.A.: `Wofford College Journal' (Spartanburg, S.C.) 4.307-312, June, 1893.
Poet-lore (Philadelphia): 2.303, 1890; 3.369, 1891.
Putnam, S.A.Brock: `The Poetry of America', New York, 1894, has a short Sketch of Lanier.
Richardson, Charles F.: `American Literature' (1607-1885), 2 vols., New York, 1889-1891; vol.2.231-2, 242, 398.
Roberts, Chas.G.D.: `St.John (N.B.) Globe', April 25, 1885.
Roberts, Chas.G.D.(ed.): `Poems of Wild Life', London, 1888, has a short sketch of Lanier.
Roberts, C.G.D.: `Letter at Unveiling of Poet's Bust at Macon, Ga.', October 17, 1890, `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution' of October 19, 1890.
Rutherford, Mildred: `American Authors', Atlanta, Ga., 1894, pp.368-375.
Scott, W.J.: `Quarterly Review of M.E.Church, South' (Nashville), New Series, 5.157-171, October, 1888.
Scribner's Monthly (New York): 20.473-4, July, 1880:
`Science of English Verse'; 21.322, December, 1880: `Boy's King Arthur'.
Semple, Patty B.: `Southern Bivouac' (Louisville) 2.661-7, April, 1887.
Sladen, Douglas: `Some Younger American Poets I.', `The Independent'
(New York) 42.806, June 12, 1890.
Sladen, Douglas: `Younger American Poets', New York, 1891, pp.xxvi-xxviii, 635-655: a slightly expanded form of the preceding.
See, too, `Gates' and `Turnbull'.
Sladen, Douglas: `The American Rossetti', `Literary World' (London), pp.378-9, November 17, 1893.
Smyth, A.H.: `American Literature', Philadelphia, 1889, p.132.
Spann, Minnie: `Sidney Lanier's Youth, S.L.'s Manhood', `The Independent' (New York) 46.800, 821-2, June 21, 28, 1894.
Spectator, The (London): 65.828-9, December 6, 1890.
Stedman, E.C.: `Letter to President Gilman', pp.12-14 of Browne's `Memorial Address'.
Stedman, E.C.: `The Critic' (New York), 1.298, 1881.
Stedman, E.C.: `Poets of America', Boston, 1885, pp.449-451.
Stedman, E.C.: `Letter to President Gilman' in latter's `Memorial', pp.25-27.
Stedman (E.C.) and Hutchinson (Ellen M.): `Library of American Literature'
(New York, 1891), vol.xi., 542, gives brief sketches of Sidney and Clifford Lanier.
Stoddard, F.H.: `Review of The English Novel', `New Englander'
(New Haven, Conn.) 43.97-104, January, 1884.
Tabb, J.B.: `Sidney Lanier's Last Lines', `The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution'
of October 19, 1890.
Tait, John R.: `Lippincott's Magazine' (Phila.) 40.723-724, November, 1887.
Taylor, Bayard: `The Tribune' (New York), 1876.
Taylor (M.H.) and Scudder's `Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor', vol.2.669-723, has several letters from B.T.to S.L.
Thayer, W.R.: `The Independent' (New York), 1883; March, 1884;June 12, 1884; December 18, 1884; 1886: `Stedman's Poets of America'.