第8章 性格特点与礼貌
I. Identify each of the following in English:
1. English modesty
Key: (1)English modesty is a quality closely related to English reserve.
(2)Within their heart, the English are perhaps no less conceited than anybody else, but in their relations with others they value at least a show of modesty.
(3)Self-praise is felt to be ill-bred, and the English are typical of self-deprecation.
2. Sportsmanship as an English ideal
Key: (1)Sportsmanship is an English ideal that is highly valued in Britain.
(2)Sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport in obedience to its rules, while also showing generosity to one's opponent and good temper in defeat.
(3)Sportsmanship as an ideal is applied to life in general. This is proved by the number of sporting terms used in ordinary speech.
3. The English class system
Key: (1)As a social convention, the English class system is much less rigid than it was, but it still exists below the surface.
(2)Broadly speaking, it means there are two classes, the “middle class” and the “working class” The middle class consists chiefly of well-to-do business men and professional people of all kinds; the working class consists chiefly of manual and unskilled workers.
(3)The most obvious difference between them is in their accent. The middle classes also tend to live a more formal life than working-class people, and are usually more cultured.
4. The English sense of humor
Key: (1)English sense of humor is a quality that is similar to English modesty. Its starting point is self-deprecation, and its great enemy is conceit.
(2)Its ideal is to laugh at oneself—at one's own faults, one's own failures and embarrassments, even at one's own ideals.
(3)It is an attitude to life rather than the mere ability to laugh at jokes. This attitude is never cruel or disrespectful or malicious.
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. Loud speech in Britain is considered _____.
Key: ill-bred
2. In their relations with others, Englishmen value at least a show of _____, whose enemy is _____.
Key: modesty, conceit
3. Prince Philip once said that _____ is ‘God's greatest gift to mankind.
Key: humor
4. The terms such as ‘never hit a man when he's down' and ‘playing the game, or ‘playing fair' reflect a sense of _____.
Key: sportsmanship
III. Answer the questions:
1. What are some of the characteristics of a reserved English man?
Key: He does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion, and seldom gets excited.
2. What are some of the differences between the middle class and the working class pointed out by the author? Do you agree?
Key: The middle class consists chiefly of well-to-do business men and professional people of all kinds. The working class consists chiefly of manual and unskilled workers. The most obvious difference between the working class and the middle class is their accent.
3. What are the major characteristics of the Englishman? Give one example to each.
Key: (1)To other Europeans, the best known quality of the Englishman is “reserve”. They do not talk very much to strangers, do not show much emotion, and seldom get excited. For example, if they are making a journey by bus, they will do their best to find an empty seat; if by train, an empty compartment. If they have to share the compartment with a stranger, they may travel many miles without starting a conversation.
(2)Closely related to English reserve is English modesty. In their relation with others, the English value a show of modesty. Self- praise is felt to be ill-bred. If a person is very good at tennis, and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will seldom reply “Yes”, because people will think him conceited.
(3)The famous English sense of humor is similar. Its starting point is self-deprecation, and its great enemy is conceit. Its ideal is the ability to laugh at oneself—at one's own faults, one's own failure and embarrassment, even at one's own ideals. Humor is highly prized in Britain, and the criticism, “He has no sense of burnout” is very commonly heard in Britain.
(4)Like a sense of humor, sportsmanship is also highly valued in Britain. Sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport in obedience to its rules, while also showing generosity to one's opponent and good temper in defeat. Sportsmanship as an ideal is applied to life in general. This is proved by the number of sporting terms in ordinary speech. To take boxing as an example: a well-aimed and vigorous criticism is said to be “straight from the shoulder”, while an unfair one is “below the belt”. One of the most elementary rules of life is “never hit a man when he is down”—in other words, never take advantage of another's misfortune.
4. Why does the Englishman value a sense of humor?
Key: It is an attitude to life rather than the mere ability to laugh at jokes. This attitude is never cruel or disrespectful or malicious.
5. Cite ten examples to show the politeness in Britain.
Key: (1)'Excuse me' is used as an advance apology for troubling somebody, as when passing in front of him or interrupting his conversation, or when putting a question to a stranger.
(2)'Sorry' expresses regret for an accidental disturbance or breach of manners.
(3)It also takes the place of ‘no' when you cannot accede to a request or an implied request like ‘May I borrow your pen? ' or ‘Do you know the time? ' or ‘Have you any size seven shoes? ' ‘Pardon? ' is the polite way of asking somebody to repeat what he has said.
(4)British people do not readily ask each other to do anything which would involve real inconvenience: they prefer to wait for such service to be offered, rather than ask for it. If they do ask, then the request is accompanied by an implied apology like, ‘I don't really like asking you, but ‘or', I know the trouble I'm causing you, but would you mind? ' and so on.
(5)Give up one's seat to a woman who is standing.
(6)Open doors for women.
(7)Help women alight from the bus,
(8)Carry things for women.
(9)Protect women from the traffic.
(10)The same principle applies to old people.