The author Christian Deydier 作者:戴克成
1996 Chevalier de l' Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.(法国政府国家艺术文学骑士奖)
1998: Chevalier de la Légiond' Honneur. (法国政府荣誉军团骑士奖)
2001:Officier du MériteNational. (法国政府国家贡献士官奖)
2006: Officier de la Légiond' Honneur.(法国政府国家荣誉军团士官奖)
2011:Commandeur de MériteNational .(法国政府国家贡献荣誉司令奖)
●Les Jiaguwen, Essai Bibliographique et Synthése des Etudes (The Oracle Bones Inscriptions, Bibliographic
Essay and Synthesis of Studies) Publication of the EcoleFrançaise d' Extrême-Orient, volume 106, Paris,1976.
●Chinese Bronzes, Fribourg, Switzerland, Office de Livre,1980 (in French, English and German editions).
●Archaic Chinese Bronzes, Volume I: The Xia and Shang Dynasties, Paris, Arhis, 1995. Illustrated with
more than 370 black and white and color photos, this volume is the first in a series of three, the second of
which is devoted to the bronzes of the Zhou dynasty and the third to those of the Han dynasty.古中国青铜器,
●Ancient Chinese Gold, in collaboration with professor Han Wei, director of the Shaanxi Province Centre
for Archeological Research., Paris, Arhis, October 2001.中国古代金器,与陕西省考古研究中心主任韩
●Chinese Bronzes from the Meiyintang Collection, Vol. 1 Annexe and Volume2, Hong Kong 2013.玫茵堂
●And numerous exhibitions catalogues since 1985.以及自1985年以来诸多展览会展品名册
●Numerous donations to Musée Guimet-Paris.无数捐献予巴黎吉美博物馆
●Numerous donations to Musée Cernuschi-Paris.无数捐献予巴黎赛奴奇博物馆
●1993 donation of a parcel gilt silver box, Liao dynasty, 11th century A.D. to Shaanxi History Museum.
●2015 donation of 28 gold plagues, Early Eastern Zhou dynasty, 8th century B/C., to Ganxu Provincial
Museum. 2015年捐献28块公元前11世纪西周初金饰板予甘肃省博物馆
摄影:Vincent Girier-Dufournier
英文版制作与设计:René Bouchara
©Copyright-2016-Christian Deydier.
All rights for reproduction, translation and adaptation reserved for all countries.