Word List 04
worldly / ˈwɜːrldli / 阅
adj. 世间的,尘世的 engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual
We will never break away from the worldly shackles.
integrate / ˈɪntɪɡreɪt / 阅
v. 使成整体,使一体化 make whole; combine; make into one unit
The university has successfully integrated social practice into its education system.
pitfall ● / ˈpɪtfɔːl / 阅
n. 隐患;陷阱 hidden danger; concealed trap
Sophie’s friend warned her against the pitfalls associated with the purchase of a used car.
expropriate / eksˈproʊprieɪt /
v. 征用,没收 take possession of
The government expropriated his land and gave him a lot of money as compensation.
table / ˈteɪbl / 阅
v. 搁置 set aside a resolution or proposal for future consideration
The motion has been tabled for an indefinite period because the chief leaders seemed to disagree on it.
acquittal / əˈkwɪtl /
n. 宣判无罪 deliverance from a charge
Hearing the announcement of his acquittal, he couldn’t help crying.
waive / weɪv / 阅
v. 放弃;不坚持;搁置或推迟 give up a claim or right voluntarily; refrain from enforcing; postpone considering
He was found guilty and waived his right to appeal.
aspire ■ / əˈspaɪər / 阅
v. 有志于,渴望 seek to attain; long for
Many young people aspire after the position of civil servants.
legend / ˈledʒənd / 阅
n. 地图的图例,插图的说明 explanatory list of symbols especially on a map
The legend at the bottom of the map made it clear which symbol stood for restroom.
abscond / əbˈskɑːnd /
v. 潜逃 depart secretly and hide
Unfortunately, her partner was a crook and absconded with the funds.
modulate / ˈmɑːdʒəleɪt /
v. 使音调转低;调节,调整;变调,转调 tone down in intensity; regulate; change from one key to another
He never learned to modulate his voice.
doctrine ■ / ˈdɑːktrɪn / 阅
n. 学说,理论;教义,教条 teachings, in general; particular principle (religious, legal, etc.)
He disagreed with the doctrines of Freud.
conjecture ● / kənˈdʒektʃər / 阅
v. 推测,猜测 surmise; guess n. 推测,猜测 conclusion deduced by surmise or guesswork
I do not conjecture an immediate drop in house price.
negate ■ / nɪˈɡeɪt / 阅
v. 消除,使无效;否定 cancel out; nullify; deny
The policeman warned that to negate the facts would only make things worse.
redundant ■ / rɪˈdʌndənt / 阅
adj. 多余的;重复的;冗长的 superfluous; repetitious; excessively wordy
There were too many redundant words in the pupil’s composition.
amenable / əˈmiːnəbl /
adj. 顺从的;服从领导的 readily managed; willing to be led
She tends to be amenable to friendly suggestions.
informal / ɪnˈfɔːrml / 阅
adj. 不正式的,不拘礼节的 absence of ceremony; casual
The informal and relaxing atmosphere was the main attraction of that cruise line.
candor ■ / ˈkændər / 阅
n. 直率,坦白 frankness; open honesty
It was his unusual candor that made her uneasy.
marked / mɑːrkt / 阅
adj. 有记号的;显眼的;成为攻击对象的 noticeable or pronounced; targeted for vengeance
There has been a marked increase in traffic accidents recently.
impregnable ● / ɪmˈpreɡnəbl /
adj. 无懈可击的,固若金汤的 invulnerable
The city has been built into an impregnable fortress.
detraction / dɪˈtrækʃn / 阅
n. 诋毁,诽谤 slandering; aspersion
Envy has no other quality but that of detraction from virtue.
impiety / ɪmˈpaɪəti /
n. 不尊敬,不虔诚 irreverence; lack of respect for God
His impiety to the emperor irritated the ministers.
muse / mjuːz / 阅
v. 沉思,冥想 ponder n. 默想 a state of meditation
Many of the papers muse on the fate of the former Prime Minister.
impotent / ˈɪmpətənt / 阅
adj. 虚弱的;无效的 weak; ineffective
He was impotent after the operation.
bland / blænd / 阅
adj. 和蔼的;平和的 soothing or mild; agreeable
She replied with a bland smile.
covenant / ˈkʌvənənt / 阅
n. 契约 agreement
The covenant of the League of Nations bounds all signatory states not to go to war.
indomitable / ɪnˈdɑːmɪtəbl / 阅
adj. 不屈服的,不屈不挠的 unconquerable; unyielding
I was deeply impressed by your indomitable spirit.
mandate / ˈmændeɪt /
n. 命令,训令;要求 order; charge v. 授权;命令 give the power; order to do
We have been aware of the internal security mandate that had just been issued.
compatible / kəmˈpætəbl / 阅
adj. 兼容的,和谐的;一致的 harmonious; in harmony with
They were soon compatible with the new neighbors.
geniality /ˌdʒiːniˈæləti / 阅
n. 愉快;亲切 cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy
He shows geniality to all the people around him.
checkered / ˈtʃekərd / 阅
adj. 多变的,盛衰无常的 marked by changes in fortune
Even a successful leader may have a checkered past.
dilute / daɪˈluːt / 阅
v. 稀释,冲淡;削弱 make less concentrated; reduce in strength
If you give your baby juice, dilute it well with cooled, boiled water.
solicit / səˈlɪsɪt / 阅
v. 恳求,乞求 request earnestly; seek
The middle-aged man disguises himself as a blind and solicits in the metro everyday.
indices / ˈɪndɪsiːz /
n. 指数,指标 signs; indications
Once correctly interpreted, the economic indices can explain a lot of things.
iconoclastic ● / ˌaɪkɑːnəˈklæstɪk / 阅
adj. 偶像破坏的,打破旧习的 attacking cherished traditions
He put forward an iconoclastic theory about language.
pathetic / pəˈθetɪk / 阅
adj. 可怜的,令人同情的 causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching
Animal right activists risked their lives stopping trucks on the highway delivering pathetic dogs and cats.
immune / ɪˈmjuːn / 阅
adj. 免疫的;豁免的,免除的 resistant to; free or exempt from
You should learn to be immune to the pessimistic emotions.
intractable ● / ɪnˈtræktəbl /
adj. 难以驾驭的,倔强的 unruly; stubborn; unyielding
What should we say to convince the intractable opponents?
equanimity ● / ˌekwəˈnɪməti /
n. 平和,镇静 calmness of temperament; composure
He didn’t lose equanimity, even in the most dangerous time.
concede ■ / kənˈsiːd / 阅
v. 承认;让出 admit; yield
In fear of strike, the boss conceded to the workers.
schematic / skiːˈmætɪk /
adj. 图表的,图解的 relating to an outline or diagram; using a system of symbols
It is helpful for you to construct a simple schematic diagram when analyzing the operating principles of this machine.
caustic / ˈkɔːstɪk / 阅
adj. 腐蚀性的;刻薄的 burning; sarcastically biting
I’m used to her caustic remarks.
inordinate / ɪnˈɔːrdɪnət /
adj. 紊乱的;过度的 unrestrained; excessive
They spent an inordinate amount of time on unnecessary work.
countermand / ˈkaʊntərmænd /
v. 取消 cancel; revoke
I have now to countermand that order.
eccentricity / ˌeksenˈtrɪsəti / 阅
n. 古怪行为,反常行为 oddity; idiosyncrasy
His eccentricity of bathing with cold water lasts many years.
hoard / hɔːrd / 阅
v. 贮藏 stockpile; accumulate for future use n. 贮藏物 a supply or fund stored up and often hidden away
He loves to hoard up treasures.
sentinel / ˈsentɪnl / 阅
n. 岗哨,看守;哨兵 sentry; lookout
An array of sentinels stood in front of the gate tower, with rifles in their hands at ready.
chide / tʃaɪd / 阅
v. 斥责 scold
The wife chided her husband for being irresponsible.
comprise / kəmˈpraɪz / 阅
v. 包括,由…构成 include; consist of
The United States comprises 50 states.
preempt / priˈempt / 阅
v. 先占,先取;取代 head off; forestall by acting first; appropriate for oneself; supplant
He preempted any possibilities for his son to be indulged in online games.
exonerate ■ / ɪɡˈzɑːnəreɪt / 阅
v. 免除,证明无罪 acquit; exculpate
He may be exonerated because of the new evidence.
flamboyant / flæmˈbɔɪənt / 阅
adj. 华丽的;引人注目的 ornate; (of people or their behaviour) different, confident and exciting in a way that attracts attention
You are a rising flamboyant star in this field.
incipient / ɪnˈsɪpiənt /
adj. 起初的,开始存在或出现的 beginning; in an early stage
Taking some exercise before breakfast is an incipient habit of mine.
differentiate / ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt / 阅
v. 区别,鉴别 distinguish; perceive a difference between
It is necessary to differentiate between forecasts and projections.
parallelism / ˈpærəlelɪzəm / 阅
n. 平行,类似 state of being parallel, similarity
A striking parallelism exists between the lives’ of the two brothers.
abhor / əbˈhɔːr / 阅
v. 憎恶,痛恨 detest; hate
We should abhor all forms of terrorism.
ambience / ˈæmbiəns /
n. 周围环境,气氛 environment; atmosphere
She likes dining in that small restaurant because of the pleasant ambience there.
servitude / ˈsɜːrvətuːd / 阅
n. 奴役;劳役 slavery; compulsory labor
The workers could no longer bear the servitude of the work and were scheming a large-scale strike.
stanza / ˈstænzə / 阅
n. (诗的)节 division of a poem
There are usually four stanzas in his poems.
amalgamate / əˈmælɡəmeɪt / 阅
v. 合并,结合 combine; unite in one body
The small chemical companies had amalgamated into a vast global corporation.
refute ■ / rɪˈfjuːt / 阅
v. 驳斥,驳倒 disprove
The film star was quick to refute the rumor spread on the Internet.
renege / rɪˈniːɡ /
v. 否认;违背,背弃 deny; go back on
Under no circumstances should you rely on him because he always reneges on his promises.
admonition / ˌædməˈnɪʃn / 阅
n. 警告,告诫 warning
The driver received an admonition from the police for sounding his horn repeatedly.
interim / ˈɪntərɪm /
n. 中间时期,过渡时期 meantime
The new government made efforts to stabilize the economy during the interim.
effete / ɪˈfiːt / 阅
adj. 缺乏活力的;软弱的,衰弱的;贫瘠的 lacking vigor; worn out; sterile
The effete civilization revealed a lot to the world.
incite ■ / ɪnˈsaɪt / 阅
v. 刺激,激励;煽动 arouse to action; goad; motivate; induce to exist
He deliberately incited the workforce to a strike.
acme / ˈækmi /
n. 顶峰 top; pinnacle
The athlete retired at the acme of her career.
compound / kəmˈpaʊnd / 阅
v. 混合,组合;以复利计算;使增加 combine; constitute; pay interest; increase
Common salt is compounded of sodium and chlorine.
insipid ■ / ɪnˈsɪpɪd / 阅
adj. 没有味道的;平淡的 lacking in flavor; dull
After an hour of insipid lectures, he left the conference room in disappointment.
irrational / ɪˈræʃənl / 阅
adj. 不合理的;无理性的;荒谬的 illogical; lacking reason; insane
She has been irrational after his death.
burnish / ˈbɜːrnɪʃ / 阅
v. 擦亮,磨光 make shiny by rubbing; polish
The workers tired to burnish the copper unearthed.
rampant / ˈræmpənt / 阅
adj. 蔓延的;不受限制的 growing in profusion; unrestrained
The city was almost out of control because of the rampant violence.
repercussion / ˌriːpərˈkʌʃn / 阅
n. 影响;弹回;反响,回声 result or impact (of an event, etc.); rebound; reverberation
The CEO’s resignation had serious repercussions on the firm, for it led to the quick dropping of stock prices.
underlying / ˌʌndərˈlaɪɪŋ / 阅
adj. 潜在的;根本的;在下面的 fundamental; lying below
To solve a problem you have to understand its underlying causes.
tycoon / taɪˈkuːn / 阅
n. (企业界的)大亨,巨头 wealthy leader
Bill Gates was a prominent tycoon.
appreciate / əˈpriːʃieɪt / 阅
v. 感激;增值;体谅 be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of
The boss appreciated his employees’ efforts to achieve the company’s prosperity.
depredation / ˌdeprəˈdeɪʃn / 阅
n. 抢劫,掠夺性攻击 plundering
Most southern towns have suffered from the reckless depredation of the armed gang.
preclude ■ / prɪˈkluːd / 阅
v. 阻止;排除 make impossible; eliminate
Lack of witness precluded the investigation of the murder.
rabid / ˈræbɪd /
adj. 疯狂的,狂热的 like a fanatic; furious
Many Chinese youngsters are rabid followers of Kobe and would never miss any opportunity to watch the game played by Lakers.
parameter / pəˈræmɪtər /
n. 界限;限制因素;特征 boundary, limiting factor, distinguishing characteristic
Some feminists believe that women have to redefine the parameters of every field.
abyss / əˈbɪs /
n. 深渊 enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit
After losing his family, he fell into an abyss of despair.
incessant / ɪnˈsesnt / 阅
adj. 不断的,不停的 uninterrupted; unceasing
There has been incessant political upheavals in this country since the beginning of this century.
conscientious / ˌkɑːnʃiˈenʃəs / 阅
adj. 尽责的,谨慎的 scrupulous; careful
They are generally very conscientious about their work.
assiduous ● / əˈsɪdʒuəs / 阅
adj. 勤奋的 diligent
The great achievement is based on his assiduous research.
formality / fɔːrˈmæləti / 阅
n. 仪式;礼节,俗套 ceremonious quality; something done just for form’s sake
Running through all these formalities made me feel exhausted.
conviction ■ / kənˈvɪkʃn / 阅
n. 宣告有罪;深信 judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief
He had a prior conviction for armed robbery.
fop / fɑːp /
n. 花花公子;过分讲究衣饰或举动的人 dandy; man excessively concerned with his clothes
He is a typical fop.
chary / ˈtʃeri /
adj. 谨慎的;吝啬的 cautious; sparing or restrained about giving
Mary is chary of making friends.
venturesome / ˈventʃərsəm /
adj. 冒险的,大胆的 bold
He prefers the horror movie that is full of thrilling and venturesome scenes.
query / ˈkwɪri / 阅
n. 质问,疑问 inquiry; question
The report about food safety has raised several important queries.
titanic / taɪˈtænɪk / 阅
adj. 巨大的 gigantic
The two brothers were involved in a titanic struggle for a highly profitable estate handed down by their father.
valor / ˈvælər / 阅
n. 英勇,勇猛 bravery
The troops showed great valor in the battle.
inevitable / ɪnˈevɪtəbl / 阅
adj. 不可避免的,必然的 unavoidable
If you keep going like that, failure will be inevitable.
reactionary / riˈækʃəneri /
adj. 反作用的;反动的,保守的 recoiling from progress; politically ultraconservative
The reactionary forces were thrown down one by one.
mitigate ■ / ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt / 阅
v. 使缓和,减轻 appease; moderate
Nothing Levis did could mitigate Anne’s anger; she refused to forgive him for making fun of her.
palpable / ˈpælpəbl / 阅
adj. 可触知的;明显的,易察觉的 tangible; unmistakable; easily perceptible
There is a palpable difference in their family backgrounds.
assuage ● / əˈsweɪdʒ / 阅
v. 减轻,使满足 ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger)
He tried to assuage his pain by drinking.
untenable / ʌnˈtenəbl / 阅
adj. 防守不住的;不能维持的 indefensible; not able to be maintained
The myths are logically or scientifically untenable.
vulnerable / ˈvʌlnərəbl / 阅
adj. 易受攻击的,易伤的 susceptible to wounds
People with high blood pressure are especially vulnerable to heart disease.
sever / ˈsevər / 阅
v. 切断,分开 cut; separate
The voice of protesting against being severed trade with neighboring countries ran higher.