This chapter firstly reviews and summarizes the relative theory and the scientific understanding of the Belt and Road initiative of China,and points out that the Belt and Road initiative is proposed from development theory,regional economic cooperation theory,and economic globalization theory.The complex and profound changes are taking place in the world.the underlying impact of the international financial crisis keeps emerging;the world economy is recovering slowly,and global development is uneven;the international trade and investment configuration and rules for multilateral trade and investment are undergoing major adjustments and China still face the unbalanced domestic economic development and the unreasonable industrial structure.All of these promote the construction and implementation of the Belt and Road initiative of China.Although the Belt and Road construction is facing great opportunities and has a certain foundation,it is still facing many risks and challenges,such as geo-security,economy,law and morality.Based on the above analysis,this chapter points out that the building of the Belt and Road not only needs to put forward the construction of the six major economic corridor and promote regional coordination and cooperation,but also needs to construct high level opening-up intergovernmental regulation cooperation and communication mechanism and build opening-up cooperation platforms.