14 这里的almost wasn’t等于almost didn’t occur
(1)But you can bet the rent it will be about the summit that almost wasn’t.
译者认为almost wasn’t等于almost didn’t occur,对吗?
(2)He will be coming home, anything from now for the special purpose of apologizing to his father and begging for forgiveness.
(3)I suggest you don’t ask him for the vacation.
(4)I suggest you(should)not ask him for the vacation.
答:句(1)中的wasn’t在此意为“未举行”。be意为“举行;发生(happen, occur, take place)”,这是动词be的通常用法之一。译者是对的。例如:
(5)There’s going to be a concert on Saturday.(星期六将举行一场音乐会。)
(6)The party she expected was never to be.(她所期盼的舞会从未举办。)
(7)When a thing has to be, it had better be quickly.
(8)This discovery was to have a major effect on the treatment of heart disease.(这个发现对心脏病的治疗产生了重大影响。)
(9)An average rate of anything between 25 and 60 per cent is usual.
(10)Fights with his father lasted anything(anytime)between fifteen minutes and an hour.(他跟父亲的争吵都要持续大约15分钟到一个小时。)
(11)Grated lemon peel gives a fresh flavour to anything from soup to fruit.
(12)I suggest you ask him some specific questions about his past.
(13)The opposition have demanded that all the facts(should)be made public.(反对派要求把所有的事实都公之于世。)