Unit 8 简·爱
①No severe or prolonged bodily illness followed this incident of the red-room; it only gave my nerves a shock of which I feel the reverberation to this day. ②Yes, Mrs. Reed, to you I owe some fearful pangs of mental suffering, but I ought to forgive you, for you knew not what you did: while rending my heart-strings, you thought you were only uprooting my bad propensities.
③Next day, by noon, I was up and dressed, and sat wrapped in a shawl by the nursery hearth. ④I felt physically weak and broken down: but my worse ailment was an unutterable wretchedness of mind: a wretchedness which kept drawing from me silent tears; no sooner had I wiped one salt drop from my cheek than another followed. ⑤Yet, I thought, I ought to have been happy, for none of the Reeds were there, they were all gone out in the carriage with their mama. ⑥Abbot, too, was sewing in another room, and Bessie, as she moved hither and thither, putting away toys and arranging drawers, addressed to me every now and then a word of unwonted kindness. ⑦This state of things should have been to me a paradise of peace, accustomed as I was to a life of ceaseless reprimand and thankless fagging; but, in fact, my racked nerves were now in such a state that no calm could soothe, and no pleasure excite them agreeably.
Key words and phrases
incident [ˈɪnsɪdənt] n.事件
unutterable [ʌnˈʌtərəbl] a.说不出的,难以形容的
译 红房子事件没有给我留下严重或长期的身体后遗症,它仅仅使我的神经受到了惊吓,对此我至今记忆犹新。
译 是的,里德太太,你让我受到了可怕的精神创伤,但我应该原谅你,因为你并不知道自己做了些什么,明明是在割断我的心弦,你却自以为无非是要根除我的恶习。
译 第二天中午,我起床穿好衣服,裹了块浴巾,坐在保育室的壁炉旁边。
译 我身体虚弱,几乎要垮下来:但最大的痛楚却是内心难以言传的苦恼:这不幸遭遇使我不断暗暗落泪;才从脸颊上抹去一滴带咸味的泪水,另一滴又滚落下来。
译 然而,我想我应该高兴,因为里德一家人都不在,他们都坐了车随妈妈出去了。
译 艾博特也在另一个房间里做针线活,而贝茜呢,来回忙碌着,一面把玩具收拾起来,将抽屉整理好,一面还不时地同我说两句少有的体贴话。
译 对我来说,过惯了那种成天挨骂、辛辛苦苦吃力不讨好的日子后,这光景好比是平静的乐园,然而,我的神经已被折磨得痛苦不堪,终于连平静也抚慰不了我,欢乐也难以使我兴奋了。