Chapter 2 美文演讲
Unit 1 名校励志演讲:一切皆有可能
①One of the things I've learned about myself is that I tend to be impatient in solving problems. ②Instead of listening to the opinions of others, I try right away to find solutions. ③I have had to learn that other people can give me valuable input and that listening makes me a better leader.
④To be a better listener, I now bring employees from all over the world—including China—to New York City four times a year to hear their suggestions for how to improve our business. ⑤I meet with them for a full day and spend most of my time listening. ⑥This is one of the most important things I do.
⑦Balance is another essential leadership quality in today's complex world, and it's a quality that is especially critical for women who are juggling many and sometimes competing roles. ⑧As a working mother with two children—my daughter Lauren is 14 and my some Jamie is 6—I constantly struggle with the issue of balance.⑨People always ask me how I do it, and my answer is....it's never easy to balance work and family.
Key words and phrases
impatient [ɪmˈpeɪʃnt] a.不耐烦的
input [ˈɪnpʊt] n.输入,投入
essential [ɪˈsenʃl] a.基本的,必要的

译 就我对自己的了解,其中有一点就是,我在解决问题时会很不耐烦。

译 我直接去寻找解决方案而不是先听别人的意见。

译 我必须要懂得其他人能给我有价值的建议,而倾听会使我成为更好的领导者。
语法分析 此长句的主语是I,后面的句子是由and连接两个句子,这两个句子都是learn的宾语,故and连接的是两个宾语从句。

译 为了成为一个好的倾听者,我现在每年4次把世界各地的员工(包括中国)集合到纽约,以便听取他们对改进业务的建议。

译 我会花费一整天的时间与他们见面,而我大多数时间主要是倾听。

译 这是我做的最重要的事情之一。

译 在当今复杂的世界中,获取平衡是另一个重要的领导能力,尤其对于女性这个兼顾各种角色的群体,有时这些角色还是相互矛盾的。
语法分析 该长句是由and连接的两个并列句,前一个句子是一个简单的主系表结构,后一个句子是一个复合句,句中不仅有that引导的主语从句而且还有who引导的定语从句来修饰women。

译 我是一个有着两个孩子的职业母亲,我的女儿劳伦今年14岁,儿子杰米今年6岁,我经常在如何求得平衡中摸索。

译 别人总问我是怎么做的,我的回答是——在工作和家庭之间取得平衡绝非一件容易的事情。