The secession movement is a political and social movement that lasts a long time and produces widespread influence in today's world.To truly understand the concept of secession movement,we need to get back to its source.Secessionism can be regarded as the sub-nationalism(ethnic nationalism)and secession movement is the variant of nationalist movement.The secession movement can be seen as the by product of nation-states.Having understood the background,this article defines secession movement as a political and social movement that minority ethnic groups who live on inherent territories(majority ethnic group in rare cases)withdraw from the existing nation-state to establish their own new sovereign state.It is in this sense that secession movement is an unfinished manifestation of nationstate building.Secession movement depends on domestic politics and the relationship between domestic groups,so this book only focuses on the domestic political arrangements and elites' behavior.
From the perspective of process theory analysis of secession movement,this book reveals the generation mechanism,development venation and governance logic of the movement.It can be found that the emergence of secession movement is the result of the combination of fractured institutional arrangement and ethnic political organization.When the secession group and the mainstream group have contradiction in any dimensions of power access,interest sharing and right-opportunity,and it's hard to solve within the framework of the existing political structure,ethnic hatred and resentment will be caused,internal colonialism will be promoted,armed rebellion and independence referendum will be organized,which leading to secession movement if minority ethnic group can effectively organize ethnic parties(quasi-party,similar party)leaded by secessionists,continue to acquire resources and agglomerate ethnic groups,and construct the political identity of ethnic minorities.State institutional arrangements determine the ways of secession movement.There are two normal forms,violence and peace.For these mechanisms,what matters is to measure the fractured institution and the political organization of ethnic parties.In order to investigate the situation of bridging or fractured institution,this book generalizes three dimensions of power access,interest sharing and right-opportunity from the three aspects of representativeness,distribution and development rights.For ethnic groups,the most important form of political organization is ethnic party(quasi-party,similar party)and in itself it is centrifugal.As to secession movement,the significance of organization construction lies in providing the platform,raising resources,constructing identification,coordinating action,etc..Using comparative historical analysis,by means of the Method of Agreement,it explored on the basis of the biggest differences in the size of the state,regional geography,religion,economic development,political system,population,ethnic languages,success or failure,different ways and so on to find the same generation mechanism.Aceh(Indonesia),Quebec(Canada),and South Sudan(Sudan)as positive cases and Switzerland as a negative case were selected.The study of positive and negative cases confirms the hypothesis proposed in this book.This book comes up with a solution of national engineering.The national engineering needs to solve two problems:one is how to build the bridging institution to solve the power access,interest sharing,right-opportunity;the other is how to provide political incentives among the leaders of differ ent ethnic groups so as to construct the possibility and opportunity of political competition and political cooperation under the constitution.
The occurrence of any political event is the result of various functions,but only some of them play a more influential role.This book is not a judgment of contingency,but a judgment of possibility,which means there would be a secession movement if there exists fractured institution and a high degree of organized political organization.
Key Words:Secession Movement; National Engineering; Nationstate;Fractured Institution;Ethnic Party