ASP.NET Core MVC 2.0 Cookbook

Publishing the package

  1. First, let's create an account on the npm website:
  1. Now we can connect to the repository with our credentials by using the command line. The repository will be Git. Let's type the following:
npm adduser 
  1. We answer three questions about the username, password, and email:
  1. After that, we create the Git repository locally by typing the following:
git init  
  1. Let's now go to the GitHub website to create a remote repository. First, we need to create an account, if we don't have one yet.
  2. To create an account we need to fill the form on the GitHub create-account page, which will provide project.json:
git remote add origin 'repo-url-adress'

npm init
Create a repository on your GitHub account:
  1. To push package.json on the GitHub online repository, enter the following:
git add . 
git commit -m "my comment" 
git push 
git push origin master 
  1. Now let's type the following in our local project Git repository:
npm publish 

If we excute the following command, we can see the package.json:

npm info [packagename] 

Excute the following command:

npm repo [packagename] 

A web page is launched on our GitHub repository website listing the existing files of our npm package.

If we type in the browser address bar, we will see our package homepage on the npm website.

We can find our node package on the npm website, synchronized with our GitHub website repository.