Learning Salesforce Einstein

Practical machine learning with Google Prediction API and Salesforce

To understand machine learning concepts practically, we will build a simple Proof of Concept (PoC) demo that uses Google Prediction API, and we will apply the predictive results on the Salesforce records. The aim of this exercise is to help you understand the basic steps of machine learning without digging into minute details and to get some idea of how we can leverage external machine learning algorithms on Salesforce data and the power we add to the Salesforce data through machine learning.

Google offers a simple Prediction API. These are predefined models.

Google Prediction API general algorithms can be categorized as follows:

  • Given a new item, predict a numeric value for that item, based on similar valued examples in its training data (Regression Model)
  • Given a new item, choose a category that describes it best, given a set of similar categorized items in its training data (Categorical Model)

The Prediction API integration with Salesforce is covered in the Practical Machine Learning With  Google Prediction API and Salesforce section.