About the Reviewers
Scott Dolim has worked on and off in 3D computer graphics for over 20 years, including a 5-year stint at Walt Disney Feature Animation in the 1990s. More recently, for the last 5 years, he has been actively involved in virtual reality development, mostly with Unity 3D. Scott currently works at Google where he is the lead engineer of the Cardboard SDK for Unity.
Oleksandr Popov is a developer of numerous 3D apps, mainly live wallpapers, for Android devices. His first experience with 3D for Android started in 2012 when with the release of Android 2.2, it became possible to create live wallpapers. Since then, he has released about 15 of them in collaboration with his brother, Dmytro, who is responsible for creating 3D scenes. After releasing each app, he gained more and more experience in OpenGL ES. Basically, he tried almost every new feature of Android where 3D and OpenGL can be applied. He started with live wallpapers in Android 2.2, then he added support of the daydream mode for them in 4.2. He started using some of the features of OpenGL ES 3.0 introduced in Android 4.3. And as soon as Google added support of custom watch faces for Android Wear 5.0, he and his brother created a set of 3D watch faces for smart watches too. Of course, after Google announced Cardboard, he immediately decided to create VR apps for this platform as well.
He and his brother are also coauthors of the Deconstructing Google Cardboard Apps book by Bleeding Edge Press.