Sentence Completion 例题4
Passage 4
DNA Technology
A. Although deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA technology seems like a new science, theories regarding gene inheritance are almost 145 years old.Gregor Mendel, a priest and a scientist, is regarded as the Father of Genetics because of his studies about the genetic profiles of pea plants.In his study, Mendel explained how trait inheritance followed certain laws.His theories are considered as the foundation of modern genetics.
B. Scientists believe that cracking the human genetic code will answer many questions about traits, behavior and illness, and offer novel solutions to common and long-time problems.Medical applications of this technology include, but are not limited to, gene therapy and the creation of new medicines.In addition, DNA testing is employed in forensics and criminal investigation, which has greatly facilitated the resolution of difficult-to-solve and even cold cases and the capture of dangerous criminals.In many developed nations, the technology is widely applied in fingerprinting and profiling;hence, it aids in protecting civilian and national security.DNA technology is also used to explain the genetic characteristics of plants and animals.The knowledge gathered is used in improving agricultural products and in protecting or reviving endangered species.The environmental application of DNA investigations can also help in understanding past ecological mutations;thus, enabling the prediction of environmental changes.
C. Some people have viewed DNA technology with apprehension, particularly since this was used in cloning.Several individuals are afraid that ethics might be compromised.However, this should not be a deterrent to uncovering the benefits of such technologies for the betterment of humanity.
Complete the sentence.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
1.Gregor Mendel proved that genetic traits are inherited through his study of___.
2.The use of DNA analysis in criminal investigation has led to the incarceration of many___.
3.Historical environmental data can be investigated with the use of DNA examination;thus allowing scientists to forecast___.
STEP 1 Question的Keywords与Question Point是什么?
STEP 2 在段落A.B.C中找出与Question1.2.3相关的内容。
STEP 3 写出Question1.2.3的答案,要求不超过三个单词。