Native Speakers在口语交流当中真正使用的连接词
Sarah Partan and her team have been looking at how squirrels communicate in an urban environment, and they've found that a routine part of their communication is carried out by waving their tails. You also see this in the country but it's much more common in cities, probably because it's effective in a noisy environment. One of the possible long-term effects of this is that we may see new species developing in cities. On the other hand, it's possible that not all the adaptations will be permanent.
Most volunteers spend two or three hours doing this, while a few do much more. They can do all sorts of things. For example, if they're supporting a family, they may be able to give the family tips on cooking and even do some babysitting for the family.
剑4~剑14里的同类段子还有很多,这样的英文其实远比一些艰深晦涩的口语答案更接近当代英美native speakers的真实口语交流风格。