Recommendation Ⅰ
The Importance of Philosophizing
“The unexamined life is not worth living.”
I once ran into the patriarch of a luxury brand car on the plane. Devising policies and programs to prepare young people for the future of work being my keen interest, I asked him what was the one thing he hoped all his workers had learned in school. Expecting an answer along the line of“engineering” or “design,” to my surprise and delight, “Philosophy!” was his singular reply.
Coming from the land of philosophy, I am often asked: what can you do with philosophy and what can philosophy do for you? Let me use this opportunity to address both questions here.
First, what can you do with philosophy? Well, everything! The word philosophy literally means “Love of Wisdom”—It is this love and wonder that constantly gives birth to new ideas which have an ongoing, profound,universal impact on humanity. It is philosophy and the wisdom forms a good foundation for every discipline and all sorts of careers. It is philosophizing and examining of our lives gives meaning to our very existence.
Second, what can philosophy do for you? Well, it is limitless—Philosophy helps people ask the real and important questions to know oneself; philosophy trains people to use reason and critical thinking in seeing the world; philosophy enables people to build a moral compass to make major decisions; philosophy empowers people to make positive and progressive changes in the world... The list can go on and on. People like Pope John Paul II, Martin Luther King, Jr., Bill Clinton, Woody Allen and Bruce Lee, have all studied philosophy in college, which formed the very foundation of both their personal beliefs and life philosophies.
Given the potential and promise of philosophy, its place in our society especially in the minds of the younger generation is hardly commensurate.This general misplacement gives me all the more reason to read and recommend Shuoning's book. I have known Shuoning since he was a tenth grader, when he was admitted to Project Agora, which I cofounded to help young people “know oneself, become oneself and transcend oneself”.Through my many conversations with Agora Fellows, I already felt optimism in Shuoning's interest and skill in applying philosophy to the key issues facing teenagers like himself. So I am grateful that he decided to share his journey in philosophy in the form of this publication.
Shuoning's book of philosophy covers metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics, addressing core philosophical questions from “Is Moral Disagreement Resolvable”, to “What is Truth”, and “How to Realize a Harmonious Society”. It provides not only a philosophical guide for building one's moral compass, but also a key to open the door to “eudaimonia”. For example,in the ninth chapter “How Alexandria Reflects Aristotle's Philosophy of Eudaimonia,” Shuoning combines philosophy with history to examine the influence of a philosophical idea on people's life—Alexander the Great,one of Aristotle's greatest student. It is not only the personal realization of Alexander the Great, but also the realization of Aristotle's political philosophy.
I would encourage everyone who loves wisdom, who is curious of the world, who is in search of meaning of life, to read Shuoning's book, to reflect, to philosophize, so as to know yourself, find your moral compass,build your personal character, and be a positive change you want to see in the world.
George Papandreou
Former Prime Minister of Greece