第16章 Rice University: Letters, science, art
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Rice University, located in central Houston near the Texas Medical Center, is the oldest university in Houston. Established in 1912, the university is renowned for the quality of its research and professors and is very selective in its admissions. The school prides itself in its various engineering and computer science programs.The school consists of seven major academic divisions: architecture, engineering, humanities, business, music, natural sciences and social sciences. Rice combines the advantages of a liberal arts college, including small class sizes and a low faculty to student ratio, with the resources and facilities of a premier research university.The private institution has a need-blind admissions policy and meets the full demonstrated need of any accepted student who requires help paying tuition.
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Feature: Rice boasts a 5-to-1 student-to-teacher ratio which gives undergraduates attention that they might not f ind at other, comparable schools. In terms of diversity, more than 40% of students come from outside of Texas, and 13% of students come from other countries. Rice offers dozens of majors, concentrations and degree programs. Only 23% of undergraduate applicants are accepted, making Rice University one of the most selective schools in the country. The university specializes in natural sciences, engineering, social science and the humanities.
Programs: The university"s baccalaureate programs include biology, architecture, music, visual and performing arts, engineering, exercise science, foreign languages, economics, public affairs and sociology. The university offers a guaranteed acceptance pre-medicine program, which allows students to immediately begin courses at the Baylor College of Medicine in Dallas upon graduation from a bachelor"s program. Internship opportunities are available in most majors, and study abroad is encouraged for all students. The school is home to more than 35 intercollegiate sports teams and 200 student activities.
selective [silektiv] adj. 选择性的
liberal arts 文科
ratio [reiiu] n. 比率;比例
comparable [kmprbl] adj. 可比较的;比得上的
diversity [daiv:siti] n. 差异;多样性
baccalaureate [bkl:riit] n. 学士学位;对毕业班的致辞
visual [vizjul] adj. 视觉的,视力的
intercollegiate [int(:)kli:diit] adj. 学院间的;大学间的
有人说,莱斯大学的确是博采众长,集"好大学"该有的特点于一身。 有人说"便宜没好货",但莱斯大学绝对是"价廉物美,物超所值",是最合算的大学。
Nothing is a greater misfortune than not being able to bear misfortune.
Promises must be kept and action must be resolute. /Always be true in word and resolute in deed.