第17章 Washington University in St. Louis: Strength throu
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Founded in 1853, Washington University in St. Louis is private, nonsectarian research institution with a diverse, well-rounded student body hailing from all fifty U.S. states and more than 125 countries. Over twenty Nobel laureates are associated with the school-several performing the majority of their ground-breaking research at WUSTL. Officially incorporated as "The Washington University", the university is occasionally referred to as "WUSTL", an acronym derived from its initials. More commonly, however, students refer to the university as "WU". To prevent confusion over its location, the Board of Trustees added the phrase "in St. Louis" in 1976. Overall, the university is highly regarded nationally and internationally for the quality of its teaching, learning, research, and service to society.
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Advantages: St. Louis"s Washington University prides itself in the fact that its seven undergraduate and graduate schools incorporate a wide variety of academic studies and fields. Its historically progressive campus regularly features well-known speakers and offers a myriad of supplementary learning opportunities for its students that are complementary to the exemplary education they receive. With the vast majority of incoming freshmen within the top 10 percent of their high school classes, the undergraduate program is highly ranked, as are numerous academic programs.
Undergraduate students: With about 6,000 full-time undergraduate students, Washington University is an integral part of the St. Louis community. In addition to their internships and clinical experiences in and around the city, WU students devote many hours to community service. With more than 200 undergraduate student organizations on campus, twelve fraternities and seven sororities, and one of the largest student government budgets in the country, the quality of life on campus is always highly rated.
well-rounded [welraundid] adj.
acronym [krnim] n. 首字母缩略词
derive [diraiv] vt. 源于;得自
myriad [mirid] n. 无数,极大数量;无数的人或物
supplementary [splimentri] n. 补充者;增补物
complementary [kmplmentri] adj.
exemplary [iɡzemplri] adj. 典范的;可仿效的
integral [intiɡrl] adj. 完整的,整体的
clinical [klinikl] adj. 临床的;诊所的
圣路易斯华盛顿大学建于1853年2月22日,是美国最负盛名的私立大学之一。由圣路易斯的领导者Wayman Crow和诺贝尔文学奖得主T.S.艾略特的祖父William Greenleaf Eliot在圣路易斯城区共同建立。在成立时,大学原名是"Eliot Seminary"(艾略特学院)。1854年校董事会为了纪念华盛顿,而将校名改为"Washington Institute"(华盛顿学院)。1857年校名又改为"Washington University"(华盛顿大学)。在1976年再次更改名字加入"in St. Louis"(在圣路易斯)以区分其与其他学校。
The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.
What we acquire without sweat we give away without regret.