第18章 Johns Hopkins University: The truth shall make you
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Johns Hopkins University (informally Johns Hopkins, JHU, or just Hopkins) is a not-for-profit private research university based in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. The university was founded on January 22, 1876 and named for its benefactor, the philanthropist Johns Hopkins. Daniel Coit Gilman was inaugurated as the first president. Johns Hopkins University offers studies for both full-time and part-time students in a wide variety of graduate and undergraduate academic fields including medicine, education, business, nursing and engineering. The school competes in NCAA Division I men"s and women"s lacrosse and NCAA Division III for all of its other athletic programs including men"s and women"s basketball, football, wrestling, f ield hockey and soccer.
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Feature: Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland, offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees in many disciplines, but it is world-renowned in the sciences. The National Science Foundation has ranked it the number one school in science, medical, and engineering research and development for the past 31 years. The university"s medical school is very well respected worldwide. In order to be accepted to the medical school, you must have attended an accredited college or university and gotten a degree. If you apply to the medical school before you graduate, you must successfully complete your undergraduate degree.
Institutions: The Johns Hopkins University Press, founded in 1878, is the oldest American university press in continuous operation. Along with the hospital, Hopkins established one of the nation"s oldest schools of nursing in 1889. The school of medicine was America"s first coeducational, graduate-level medical school, and was a prototype for academic medicine that emphasized bedside learning, research projects, and laboratory training. In 1909, the university was among the first to start adult continuing education programs and in 1916 it founded the US" first school of public health.
not-for-prof it [ntf:rprf it] adj. 非营利的;无利可图的
inaugurate [in:ɡjureit] vt.
continuous [kntinjus] adj. 连续的;持续的;继续的
prototype [pruttaip] n. 原型;标准,模范
这所大学的名字在中文里常译作"约翰·霍普金斯大学",其实,大学的正确英文拼法应为"约翰斯·霍普金斯大学"(Johns Hopkins University)。Johns这一罕见的名字来自捐资人霍普金斯的曾祖母玛格丽特·约翰斯(Margaret Johns)的姓氏。这个姓氏被霍普金斯家族作为名字传承了下来。
Idle people (folks) have the most labour (take the most pains).
Nothing in the world is difficult if you set your mind to it.
They who cannot do as they would, must do as they can.